The following report was intercepted and translated by Capt. Fergus Dowrimple:
MOONMIST - 12th of Harvest, year 1011 since the Great Havoc. Purple Order authorities report that a small band of unknown outsiders has invaded this elvish city, located on the coast of Anciena, killing a great number of Jaramonian and elven defenders. Many human and other non-elvish servants were simply released by the mysterious band, believed to be part of the New Rotalian militia. At least three streets in the wealthy High Fashion district are now occupied by this force and the released servants, with about three dozen buildings under their control. The skyship Impervious, which had just arrived from Sonaeed with reinforcements, was captured by the group. Soon afterward, many buildings in Moonmist were in flames as fireballs, flaming arrows and other attacks rained down on the city from high beyond the range of most city defenses. Authorities were unable to explain how Moonmists' great army and magical forces were unable to mount an adaquate defense. Though the Impervious has now departed, many citizens are concerned about future attacks, sources say. High Elf Command is said to be taking "serious steps" to bring adaquate defenses to Moonmist, though large numbers of the best elvish troops are committed elsewhere.
Revan, Joseph, Taito, Flegal and Fergus played the most prominent roles in bringing about the preceding account, though the other characters (see previous entries) played critical roles as well. Revan, now using a pegasus as a mount, can make devastating diving lance charges against his enemies. Joseph's divine spells are getting more powerful than ever. Taito is both fearless and unstoppable in melee combat, capable of executing ferocious whirlwind attacks with random objects. Flegal's ability as an archer has reached new heights, as from elevated positions he snipes away at powerful enemy spellcasters, laying even the mighty low from a great distance. Fergus' seemingly unending supply of fireballs has drawn a lot of enemy fire to him, but they also eliminated great numbers of rank-and-file elven archers. The battle was not easy for the party, and several members spent an unconscious round or two, but with clerics on hand fortunately no party members perished (though it was very close for a few).
Experience totaled 5,000 as it was a long session and the conclusion of a multi-session battle. Treasure (sorry if you missed it) amounted to a whopping 36,000 gp per character as I recall. Best of all, the party took the Impervious (a spelljammer) to Moporia to buy magic items and learn more news about the rest of Aarde. Somehow, the regularly appearing characters mentioned above now feel like they are just beyond the mid-level classification and are now at the start of their high level careers, while most of the other PCs and NPCs are lagging a bit behind in comparison -- but that is as it should be.