Tuesday, February 08, 2011

10th Edition + B-Team & Birthdays

Happy Birthday Carson & Dave!

To celebrate we had a whole day of gaming last Saturday, and it was great! Thank you Ava for the awesome cake and Jon for bringing a box of 10th Edition Magic, the draft was fantastic. 'Grats Mat on beating us all with that blue/green deck. Nothing like getting hit by a Rhox and shut down with counterspells, except maybe a Craw Wurm with shimmering wings flying over. To the rest of us losers, well it was fun, good effort. Phil, Jon and Dave had winning records and Patrick, Ava and Penny/B. didn't do as well but everybody got at least a win or two in. I was able to draft mono red, which is unheard of usually. I like 10th Edition, it's kind of like a "greatest hits" of Magic cards, with some great rares and even some stuff I hadn't seen before.

Congratulations to Rod on getting into UW Law School, that's an achievement of a lifetime and we are all very proud of you.

For B-Team, B. ran and it was very good. We had a great time defeating the evil wizard king and the dragon and their multiple minions; it always feels good to save the town. Player-wise we were joined by Alma, Rod, Rob and Carson.

We are now all level 3 in the B Team campaign, and we each ended up getting one 4th and one 5th-level magic item and 750 gp in monetary treasure.

I will be updating this later.

Next session in a couple of weeks, probably the Uprisers (the 18th level characters).

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Star Wars and Magic

So a couple sessions ago we played Star Wars. The crew of Akbar's Trap found themselves on a watery world, embroiled in heavy fighting between allied Hutt and New Republic forces against a resurgent Empire. Lots of stuff was blowing up. The punchline? Garik set up more trade deals, Pieda healed some people, the Trandosian and the clone lightsabered some bad guys, Roger Roger got in a toe to toe fight with another droid and won by attritian, the Bothan gathered intel. Oh, and of course in the end Destro snuck into the enemy base, sabotaged the stabilizers and hijacked the PA system, announced an evacuation then radioed the star destroyer in orbit to turbolaser the deserters. Which they did. Everybody should still be 12th level.

Last session, a lot of people couldn't make it so we played Magic and I tested a few new decks. Pretty fun. Thank you Jon and Phil.

Next session: Sat., Feb. 5th. We will probably play "B team" but bring everything anyway in case that changes.