Yesterday, in our Mordheim session, my Osterlanders (rating 165) chalked up a couple of wins. First, vs. Rod's fledgeling new Skaven warband (rating 60) in a straight Skirmish scenerio, not a single Osterlander was taken out of action, and three of the rat people were on the sidelines when they routed. Tactically, I bunched all my guys up into a building right before being charged, and then executed a counter-charge. You never know how it's going to go. It could easily have gone badly for my human mercenaries, but the dice went my way. Even though the Skaven were smaller in numbers and experience, having five heroes to start with is enviable at exploration time, and underdog bonuses will have their rating higher in short order. Also, those warplock pistols have a strength 5, so they really pack a punch, and Rod's a really good player, so I'm sure the Skaven will be beating the crap out of everybody else before long.
The second scenerio, Treasure Hunt, was a three-way battle between my Osterlanders, Rod's Skaven and Rob's mighty Cult of the Posessed (rating 227). In Treasure Hunt, your guys are looking for a valuable chest, which shows up in the first building somebody explores where 12 shows up on 2d6, or the last building on the table if this does not occur. Then as a victory condition, you have to drag the chest off your table edge. We had about 16 buildings on the table, and when there were 3 left, I lucked out and two Osterlanders who had split off near Rob's table edge found the chest. I was very concerned, because they were pretty far from help, and outnumbered. Since we were both underdogs and Skaven have such great movement, I allied with Rod. From my perspective, it looked like the Osterlanders had just handed victory to the Posessed's horrifying cadre of Beastmen, tentacled mutants and other unspeakably frightening monsters. My henchmen group of two, each armed with two-handed swords, was immediately cut in half by three beastmen. The remaining guy, reduced to half movement by the heavy chest, was luckily not stuck in, so he moved just out of the way. Help began to arrive; the rest of the Ostlanders weren't quite as far away as I feared. My alliance with Rod's Skaven allowed them free movement closer to the big fight near the chest. The bulk of the Posessed were starting to arrive. Swampy, one of my heroes, held off being taken out of action by making an amazing three Step Aside skill rolls (a 5 or 6 on a d6 allows an unmodifyable extra armor save). I was able to get a more guys over to help with the chest, as my ogre and a couple other guys executed a fighting retreat. My captain was taken out of action by a terrifying tentacled thing. The Skaven ended their alliance and blasted all my guys around the chest with a powerful area-of effect fireball-like spell. Swampy succeeded in stepping into the role of captain and made the route check for the Osterlanders. Later that turn he himself was taken out of action. But through sheer luck and guts (yeah I know, a lot of luck), the Osterlanders, with two guys carrying the chest (and a lot of guys knocked down or stunned) dragged the chest off my table edge and achieved victory. With the spoils, the warband was able to buy three shiny new double pistols for its jaeger henchmen group.
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