Our Star Wars session on Sat. 4/21/07 involved the expansion and protection of Dabbo the Hutt's enterprises, in this case, having the party run alcohol to the Lepi (they look like giant rabbit-people) and see about recruiting for Dabbo's various strip bars and brothels. As it turned out, the Lepi world Couchin IV, with an uncharted population in the trillions, was more than ready, willing and able to meet with any requests made by Destro, and the Lepi Consolidated Governments even subsidized the trades, goods, offworld travel, visitation perks and services involved. The party were initially greeted like rock stars, and offers of special favors came pouring in. Destro was given a Hef-like suite, complete with red velvet decor and women galore, and he even sold a brain tape for 1,000,000 credits. Much Later, a news item appeared that the Empire had outlawed brain tape technology due to agent comprimise (no agent names were remotely connected to Destro) on Couchin IV; two more star destroyers were immediately sent to "deal with the issue once and for all." The Lepi Consolidated Governments were said to be cooperating and summary executions followed. Jarn Thro will not discuss his visit beyond saying the first hour was great, but after the first time he bruised his pelvis it was no fun for him. He refused ten 1,000,000-credit brain tape offers, saying the mass of information in his mind would overwhelm and kill any small-headed Lepi the technology tried to stuff it into. Jaina recalls kicking butt at some crazy rock concert, winning the spice lottery, getting laid (though the Lepi males are much lamer than the females), riot police, going on a killing rampage, being in a "hospital"--and now having a complete HATRED of the Lepi that she refuses to explain (and don't ask unless you want your ass kicked by her). Months later, bloody riots are taking place in several Lepi cities, led by angry rabbit people who share her attitudes and have unstoppable urges to break and burn things. The ship's pilot and surgeon, Pieda Bowman II, a triple class noble/jedi counseler/soldier has for his past several levels been a follower of the Jedi counsellor code of chastity. Pieda was heroically able to resist the unrelenting Lepi pheornomes and advances for a full day and a half before submitting to a couple of weeks of pleasure; he now faces horrible pangs internal guilt along with memories of complete satisfaction. He accepted a 1,000,000-credit brain tape offer during his stay at the brothel. His next level will probably be in soldier, or possibly noble. Cap'n Garrick had a great time and hoped all his shipmates would too, though he says he's not one to kiss and tell (except maybe if he's drunk). Jackpot disappeared from the ship and spoke with no one, and later revealed that among his "gambling winnings" are a large amount of spice and a flash copy of the Lepi Consolidated Governments braintape population archive and he is eager so share with the party if they wish. Akbar's Trap left Couchin IV with 400 "entertainment industry workers" in the cargo hold. According to Dabbo's delivery routes, these workers were to be dropped off at 30 or so of his brothels and strip bars on various worlds. Most of the drop offs were quick and routine; each worker contract netted the party's share about 20,000 hard credits before fuel and other expenses.
However, on one pristine, resource-rich tundra world, war raged between a Hutt-rebel alliance and the Empire. Due to powerful orbital turbolasers and lack of cover, Akbar's Trap had to be carefully hidden and regularly moved while the party joined the fight against the Imperials. Both sides were playing a shell game with small underground bases and snow speeder bikes. Jaina and her customized tank were in their element in this environment; a bit slower perhaps than a speeder bike, but with DR 20, highly resistant to their weapons. Armed with a starship missile system, Jaina obliterated snow speeder bikes and larger air vehicles, a base with 12 vehicles in one shot and pretty much wreaked havoc and left enormous smoking craters in her wake. She was able to recover a data pad that revealed a map of an Imperial mine field and the location of their bases nearby. Destro was able to dodge speeder bike attacks and respond by throwing thermal detonators at them, leaving behind small craters here and there. Once the coast was clear, he hid his speeder bike, put on his stealth suit and headed down ventillation shafts of small hidden underground Imperial snowspeeder bike outposts. With a bit of help from Jarn, Destro rigged the camera/computer auto destruct system of each base to be in control of the Hutt-rebel alliance instead of the Empire. Since one of the bases had 12 snowtroopers present, but a capacity for 200 or more snowtroopers, Destro and Jarn would be able to wait until the right moment when the base was reinforced and resupplied. Their job done for the moment, Akbar's Trap went on to make more deliveries after this short but successful mission.
Experience: 6,000
Credits: Individuals see above;
Ship fund will be up at least 4,000,000 credits overall.
Next session: 2 weeks from now, Saturday, May 5, 3:00 pm.