The new Pathfinder campaign characters should now be about 4th level. They’ve battled a lot of goblins, including a nasty goblin druid in a briar patch. Other encounters have included goblin dogs, sinspawn (Kind of like a living evil zombie that came from a rune well. These monsters are so filled with hate, they can sense hate and tend to attack whoever has the least amount of hate), an aasimar cleric/abomination, and an evil wizard… You typical D&D stuff. It’s been fun running the old-school dungeon crawl. The party has a witch doctor (basically a mage), a spell-sword (essentially a fighter), a cleric, a Spartan-style fighter, a barbarian, a ninja (yeah, rogue), a luck-blade (uh-huh, fighter), and a bard (when Phil makes it), not counting NPCs and hirelings. In last Saturday’s session, the party managed to coordinate well with each other in one large encounter using stealth, spider venom and swords. Well done guys.
Our next session will be Saturday, November 3rd at 3:00pm sharp.