Clayton started a new Star Wars Character, Louf Origno. He is a Lepi Jedi with 3 ex-wives and about 150 children. Our session was more roleplay this time, very little combat. Drael (Jon's Jedi) has gone to the dark side and used force lightning on psionic worms, the Ee, who have used advanced mental powers to avoid detection. There were too many worms in the hivemind for it to be effective, though a splinter group of Ee seems to be more accessible. They demonstrated telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, cell-disruption and healing, though any other powers the 6 cm worms might have are still unknown.
Another local nasty were energy-resistant giant flying beetles, according to the captain of the highly damaged Lucky Bantha they can really tear things up and even a few eggs among the salvage can result in a devastated cargo bay and even the loss of a ship (as was the case for Captain Thelonius).
Cap'n Gracus (Carson's noble) and a few others of the party spent some time salvaging through the Clone War ruins on the depopulated surface of the main world, and exploring the mines of the nearby moon, where the Ee live and purify the metals they consume. Pieda Bowman did some piloting, as did Ava's character. Mat's droid, Roger Roger, was unable to communicate with the Ee due to the nature of their telepathy until they spoke through a civilian miner.
An elderly couple were determined by Destro to be Rebellion loyalists being followed by an Imperial spy. After Garik shot a martini glass to save an Ee worm and paid the 15 credit fine, Destro followed the spy , incapacitated him and questioned him in the guise of Cap'n Jenkins, the notorious Imperial agent. After persuading the spy, Col. Leif, into calling in an attack on the world to destroy a Rebel base, Destro was able to con the Ee into giving thier mineral deposits to his true employer, Dabbo the Hutt, through intermediaries into the future.
XP 2,000. Ship fund: individual 10,000 credit bonuses plus newly salvaged parts, including rare Clone War droid components. Oh, and Cap'n Gracus has a new friend, Pedro, "The Great Gazoo," an Ee who might teleport in every now and then.
Yogi BeHir and the Werewolves - the Sequel
In D&D it was Mat, Ava, Carson, Me (Dave), Rod and Jon. The party made some good progress overland, though we still are being plagued by wandering encounters. We fought some kind of undead elf lich who kept the entire party occupied for a while. Our friend the BeHir (who we now call Yogi) is still following us, getting a bit of help again from Wikipedia Jones with how his magic picnic basket works. Roberick Willikers, Shamash, Fy'Ev, Elle, Aurora, Hadji, Rholain and Jones ended up fighting werewolves again - apparently they haven't learned their lesson yet.
When we get to where we are going, we should be able to help a good dragon faction, and also get our long awaited cure for zombie rot.
For anybody who missed today's session, you missed out on Ava's chocolate mint cheesecake cupcakes. Oh those were good.
Next session: Feb. 27 3:00 pm