For the past couple of sessions Jon has been running D&D modules.
Our new characters in that campaign are 2nd level now. I have a couple of characters, Oz, a Deva Wizard and Hinges, a bugbear rogue. B. has a cleric based on Bob Kelso from Scrubs. Jon has Shar-I-Zard, a shardmind artificer. Carson had to work yesterday but a couple weeks before that he played an elf warden who really kept the bad guys away from all of us caster types. In fact when the new campaign began, he said "I call Defender!" which was refreshing because so often nobody wants to play that role.
In yesterday's session, the module featured a puzzle which B. & I figured out. Again, it was refreshing to have a puzzle instead of just the usual hack 'n slash (which I don't mind either). One of the criticisms I have heard about 4th edition is the emphasis on combat, but I have been playing since Advanced (1st edition) and each edition since then and nearly every group I have been with has preferred combat-heavy adventures. Anyway though, it's cool to see a puzzle type challenge every now and then. I would like to see a few more skill challenges too.
Hinges was built in a big hurry so I could play two characters and fill a gap since a lot of people couldn't make it. I used Jon's newest version D&D Insider/Character Builder and it just seemed quick and easy. Yes there are more choices than ever but if you're in a hurry you can just let it choose for you. I'm pretty sure the cleric I built for B. in an older version took ten times as long to create. The new character sheets are simple looking but they are complete with information, clear and easy to read.
Being down a character and getting into a tactical disadvantage almost got the entire party killed in the final encounter and of all things it was Hinges, the dumb bugbear rogue, who ended up saving the day. So I'm glad I took that extra minute to add him to the party. I can always flesh out more details on him before next time I play him. You wouldn't think a 7' tall monster would make a good rogue but he has +13 to his Stealth and regularly dishes out 20 damage with at-will attacks. That's probably not unusual for a striker but he was pretty fun to play.