Saturday, June 26, 2004

More June sessions

So Crom lived. Maybe you think he should be dead, being that he was at negative 14 hit points or something like that from the giant beetle. Well, Crom's g-d Io didn't want him to be dead. Crom was to stubborn to die, Jon didn't want Crom to die, and I didn't want the campaign to lose the only lizardman paladin it has ever seen. No, the party didn't have the money or connections to get him resurrected, especially in the underdark. I could have thrown a magic item their way that would take care of this little problem. Ultimately, because he had gained enough experience to level, and the new hit points would keep him from dying, I awarded XP early in his case, and told Jon that Io had refused Crom entrance into the kingdom of the dragons.
And I replaced the fallen Daybill, the halfling bard giant hamster rider, with Nightsong Sharpfang, a female kobold with very similar skills, including an uncanny ability to ride Lomax, Daybill's now-lonely mount.
The group is getting a bit bigger. For a long time, it was just me, Jon, Rob and Alex. Then Phil started coming. Now that school is out, Shane plays too. Most of the Wednesday characters are 4th level now. There's Crom, Nightsong, Aiko (Penny's dwarven monk), Shianji (Alex's dad Rob's monk, the only character besides Aiko to survive the campaign from the start), Alex's samuri and Phil's new character (a gnome sorcerer, I think) plus whatever Shane brings next Wednesday (I think he's working on a rogue). Sometimes Carson makes it, and he has a half-orc barbarian who is only 3rd level, but should hold his own.
Currently, the party is trying to locate and destroy a psionic artifact, a ballista of the mind flayers. Things are going to be tough for a while, especially with everybody in the underdark.
Every other Wednesday, Alex runs Star Wars, and he is an excellent gamemaster who knows the rules well, can put together a good story and spends time and hard work on mapping, npc's etc. My Twilek Scoundrel is no longer posessed by a Sith, and my Jedi Counseler, Quern Bomon just levelled to 11th. It's too bad Pieda died, but oh well.
The Saturday group keeps plugging along. Chaun brought a new player, Shawn. It's a good sized group that meets just once a month on the second Saturday. Since we started new characters just a couple sessions ago, the highest-level characters are 3rd level, I think. Roddy plays a paladin, Robby has a cleric, Penny has a dwarven archer, Carson has a monk, Shane plays a ranger, and Jesse replaced his wizard with an orcish barbarian, I think. I have a couple of NPCs, Mick the Gangly (a fighter) and Telpin (a bard). Phil plays a rogue, Chaun and Shawn play fighters, I think. I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff. Most of the party is human. The campaign focus is on an invasion of very motivated "moon" elves bent on taking over the Aarde.
I have talked to a few people about doing a Magic: The Gathering booster draft tournament at Old Town Hobby on the 3rd Saturday of July, August and September. 3 boosters and a 10 am-4 pm or so tournament with prizes for $12.50. I will run it and judge it (and play the "bye" games to keep people from getting bored). The perfect number of players would be 8. I have to go now, more later.

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