The small Wednesday session was a continuation from two weeks ago, the completion of the Battle of Horseshoe Island to liberate the human villagers from their ogre and hobgoblin occupiers. Black Eyed Bill ("Pirate" ranger), having won the sea battle, fired catapaults and ballistae at the ogre's fortress, while Vat-of-Can Bob (the Paladin) and the NPCs led the villagers in their land attack, including heavy catapaults fired by Aiko and Nightsong Sharpfang, who also sang her bard song. A few bugbears and goblins fought on the side of the ogres. Fergus continued to fly overhead, picking off targets with magic missiles, low on spells and saving the last charges of his wand to protect himself when his fly spell would inevitably run out. The villagers defended their five heavy catapaults with low walls, hidden pits and long pikes, skewering many an angry charging hobgoblin.
Black Eyed Bill and his crew finally landed their ship and disembarked, flanking some of the ogres and hobgoblins, and joining the assault on the fortress. Within, Bill climbed the porticullus chain to the crenelated wall, where he defeated the ogre general (a wizard, not an "ogre mage," per se). Bob interrogated the only common-speaking ogre upon their surrender, and learned that the ogres ultimately answered to "the Duke," who happens to be an elf that has united all the ogres and their kin in the eastern hemisphere to form an empire to stand against the elves on the other side of Aarde. Unfortunately, humans seem to be caught in the middle, with no empire to call their own, being defeated by both ogres and elves.
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