Saturday, April 09, 2005

More evil nasty elf mages invading from the moon

The party (Revan, Flegal, Joseph Prax, Socrates, Taito, Dante, Geena, Telpin, Mick the Gangly, Henderson, Buddy Nagel and Thumbs) began in Meatsville ("Pigtown"). After spending some time in town recovering hit points and spells and re-equipping arrows and supplies, the group learned of a town to the south, known as The Divide, where a recent drought was decimating the population. Armed with plenty of Create Water, Purify Water, and other spells, the party set off. Beany Knubbs (the gnomish ranger) was left behind with the refugees at a new church to Khadgar that is in the process of being established by a few former Temple of Transformation worshippers and their cleric.
On the road, the group encountered three carriages of Moonmist Harriers, elven archers seeking to fill their quota of "indentured servants." The adventurers refused to surrender to the imposing castle-topped carriages and a couple dozen trained archers with the advantages of cover, elevation, numbers and a wizard. After a long battle that included the defeat of a summoned efreet, the elves were defeated.
Upon reaching The Divide by the merchant caravan road, beggars immediately came to the wagon with parched, cracked lips and gaunt faces. Joseph was able to provide enough water for them. In the center of town, another clerical spell located a small amount of fresh water at the base of a cliff just at the edge of the range of the spell, which also magically created a 100' deep well. Soon, what little fresh water was found there ran out, and putrid water came up. Upon investigation, the party found that an underground wizard's lab had diverted an underground stream from the city's old well to a subterranian lake. Casks of fresh water were then sold to the city's inhabitants, in order to fund magical work and experiments that poisoned the lake. Random arcs of lightning were seen. Strange black and green snakes flew in circles. Glowing green clouds moved eerily. Footsteps were heard.
Invisible and protected by magic, Eldritch Moon Knights guarded the entrance to the lab of the high elven mage, Baron Livotogus. Four of them put up a pretty good fight, but were overpowered by the party. Within, a water trap slowed down the group, but not for long. In a short time, the evil Baron lay dead. Cleaning up the mess left by the villian took nearly a month, but in the end, The Divide's water supply was restored.
Treasure was pretty good (about 350 GP/character), but not nearly as good as the previous session. I awarded 3,000 XP once again. Next session will probably include another look at the Temple of Transformation. It's not too far from where the group is now, and the main force of the Moonmist army is unlikely to remain there after re-securing the location.
Upcoming Saturday sessions are May 14, June 11 and June 25. See you next time, be it Wednesday or on a Saturday.

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