In my campaign world of Aarde, Moporia was once the only city occupied by humans. Though that is no longer the case, it is still a great and old city. In today's session, the Elves of the Purple Order invaded Moporia from the sea. Among their troops were a variety of transmuted reptilian humanoids that amounted to mongrelmen made from lizardmen. Drow spellcasters, mindflayers, dryders and creatures never before identified rose from the waves in the large-scale attack. The party repelled the attack, at least in the district they were responsible for.
I ran today's adventure as a set-piece miniatures battle (but with standard D&D 3.5 rules). With Revan and Joseph Prax leading the now-powerful 12th-15th level party, I can throw a heck of a lot at this group, without worrying too much. Besides Rod and Rob, Phil and Jon made it today, Bel played Lola quite a bit, and Aaron joined us by conference call to play his wizard. Captain Fergus Dowrimple, my NPC wizard, is now very interested in the business of the magic trade. Marshall even showed up toward the end of the session, and I handed him Mick the Gangly to play. Does Marshall roll "1" every time? Wow, some casino should hire him to be a "cooler." Anyway, the party really romped all over these bad guys, sometimes with a single character dealing over 300 hp in damage in one round. It's really amazing what players familiar with the finer points of the rules are capable of. It was a fun session, with the powerful surprise actually being not the enemy, but the surprising power of this group. 6,000 XP, 6,000 gp.
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