Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dungeon Crawl & Star Wars Deal

The dungeon crawl continued today. Encounters included drow and trolls, including Louis of Trolltown, the only non-evil troll in the group who speaks common (he was last seen by a few of the characters about 5 years ago, in game time). The ruins, once a city of titans destroyed by an earthquake or some cataclysm, spike downward and blend into a lot of natural caverns. Today the party explored the remains of a coloseum/auditorium and a market, featuring coins one foot wide. At the market, some pretty big gargoyles were encountered. 4,000 xp, adventure to be continued.

Star Wars was a short but fairly successful session for the party. An arms deal netted the party some profit and will ultimately help the Rebellion a bit, though the scenery was a bit cold and stinky, with a methane atmosphere. There was a bit of roleplaying and we ran out of time before any battles or encounters took place, but that's fine. I awarded 1,500 xp anyway.

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