Sunday, January 21, 2007

Avalos Gemini's Demise

Phil, Rod, Carson and Rob, and Bel (for a bit) continued the D&D adventure from a few weeks ago today (Sat 1/20).
The success of the party was not a certain, sure thing. If Joseph hadn't seen past the illusions of the Vision Chambe; and if he had not asked Cuthbert "15 questions," the group might have been too weakened by wandering encounters by the end to deal with the final encounter with the vampire titans, and would not have destroyed their coffins prior to fighting them later. Without the mighty Taito's monster-killing fists, the entire party could easily have been defeated in any one of many battles against colossal two headed cerburus undead puking dogs, titan skeletons, a zombie dragon, colossal spiders, golems and of course vampire titans. Had Revan not slain the dragon Grizlok in his new undead form (yes, a second time), and generally been so studly, things could have gone differently. Were it not for Were-Rat's green-skinned fighter and Lola's whirling blades, the party might still have been victorious... or maybe not in the closer encounters. Black-Eyed Bill's, Daybill's and Telpin's party-buffing encouragement over the course of the adventure definitely helped. Fergus' spell support and Geena's and Mick the Gangly's ranged support certainly made a difference as well, helping the party deal not only with enemies but boiling blood, scrying globes, illusions, and vampire coffin soil.

Yet it was a goblin rogue named Blip the Forsaken, whom the party helped long ago, who possibly saved the whole party in the end by destroying the anti-magic field in Avalos Gemini's throne room. He had slipped into the floating castle ahead of the party and befriended three kobolds whom he convinced to provide a bit of extra help.

XP 8,000
GP 33,000

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