Over the weekend I played Roddy's Skaven warband a few times and my Osterlanders kept losing. So I allied with them when we played Rob's giant orc warband (we won, almost entirely thanks to Rod's Skaven). My Osterlander rednecks currently have a rating of about 200, and I just hired two more jaegers and now have 5 heroes and 5 henchmen total, including my third ogre (that's right, the first two failed survival checks) and my second priestess (now the warband only has one spell, bear's paw, instead of the three I was up to before). I still like playing this warband, but I'm seriously thinking about re-building one of my old lizardmen or reichlander Mordheim warbands, or trying one I haven't yet, maybe witch hunters. I miss having lots of crossbows. My old Brettonian group was pretty fun too, with good spells and horses. I don't know. Maybe I should just make my own group of Skaven.
We played Shane's new Alternity campaign at Rod's later on, and my character is basically an alien medic/pilot/hvy wpns guy who is a medivac specialist. His name is Gus, but they call him Mac, and his race look like cybernetic humans. The campaign so far is very military in nature and I think my character will be a useful NPC on weeks when I can't make the game. I wouldn't call Gus well-rounded but for being a new character he's pretty good at what he does. The first session, he made most of his pilot, air vehicle and treat injury dice checks. We are using the original Alternity system, which is weird but elegant in design. You just never have enough skill points.
That was a lot of gaming for me, about 14 straight hours' worth. My usual is about 6. But typically I only play about two sessions a month.
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