(During his late night "activities," Cedric found read and this journal. There were only a few entries and a lot of blank pages. As it was hardbound and covered in red silk, it appeared valuable. As it was also monogramed on the cover and stamped on every page with the Foxglove family crest bearing the initials "A.F." it was obviously impossible to fence. Being somewhat curious, Cedric had plenty of time to read it before returning it to its spot in the pack under the bed of one of Aldern's three manservants when they were all staying at the Rusty Dragon Inn in Sandpoint.)
Verbatum journal of the Honorable Aldern Foxglove
Sworn to be a word for word transcription by his loyal manservant,
B. Quire Sutler III, calligrapher
Oh, the posh life at the Magnimar estate can be so boring. The most exciting thing I seem to do is put marmalade jam on my scones in the morning. I must get out more, I feel so alone. The Whencheslasses did mention that diva Allishanda will journey from here to play the role of Avisera the harpy queen in the Sandpoint Theatre's new production coming over the week-end. The Swallowtail Festival will also be happening to consecrate that magnificent new Sandpoint Cathedral as well, and being a contibuting patron of both I must of course attend, and it's only a short ride.
My manservants and I rode to Sandpoint, attended by my ever loyal hunting dog, Spoticus. At one point, Spoticus seemed to bristle and bark at some nothing or other on the way. Antonio and Cleopold agreed with me that it was probably just a bird. Bernard thought he saw something green moving low in the bushes. Funny, I don't recall any of the local birds having green colouration.
We're staying at the Rusty Dragon tonight. It's not posh, but it has a rustic charm. How I love Ameiko's spicy cooking and adventurous tales.
Oh, the horror, the horror, the horror! At the apex of a five-year buildup, Sandpoint's cathedral concecration celebration, the Swallowtail Festival, transformed into a nightmare today, much as a swallowtail butterfly transforms from a catapillar. No, only not beautiful, ugly. A nightmare, I tell you! Are you writing this down, Bernard? Goblins attacked Sandpoint today. What do you mean, you told me you saw something yesterday? Anyway it could have been much worse if not for the Saviors of Sandpoint! Everyone was running away but my legs just froze. I am such a coward. A horrible goblin cut Spoticus down and I would have been next a second later if not for that beautiful Varissian woman Wren. While everyone else ran away, she swung her great big sword and killed that crazy singing monster like it was nothing. She saved my life, and her friends saved the town. When everyone else ran away, they fought back. Not like five years ago when the goblins burned down half of Sandpoint and Chopper killed people like they were chickens on Banquet Day. Oh, this new crop of heroes must be rewarded, especially Wren, my angel, my personal saviour. How confident, prepared and able to strike without hesitation. Everything around her seems to stagger and shake, fall and break in her presence. Or maybe that's just me. Oh why are my frozen noble knees trembling? Wren, Wren, Wren, Wren, Wren. If not for you I would be dead and buried in the Sandpoint Boneyard, probably with no headstone because goblins eat people's heads. Oh by the gods, Wren, thank you for saving my life.
Her friends are nearly as amazing as she is!
Eliza is a beautiful elven maiden, strong with a spear and klar shield and with true aim. While I stood frozen by fear, she must have skewered three or four of those big headed green devils. She's always wearing her shirt of thick hide and a long red cape. Her simple focus and skill is absolutely breathtaking.
Lorvok is a crazy wild haired magician, the likes of whom I have never met before in my travels. Wild haired and unkempt like a homeless man, he seemed to have come right out of the wilderness like the goblins themselves, but with the power of a Shoanti warlock or something he pointed his finger and a bolt of red darted from him to a goblin, knocking that big toothed villian to the ground from his perch atop a building. Don't get me wrong, I've met a wizard before, maybe two. But to see real magic in action, wow! That was something incredible. Oh, why am I such a dullard compared to Lorvok, why am I so well kept. I'm like a domesticated animal in comparison to his wild freedom and power. Why did I spend my school days hunting and gambling instead of learning about the magical arts?
Another of the heroes is a guy named Clive, who used a sword in each hand to kill goblins. His ability with swords is itself like some kind of a magical spell. Yes, Clive is a hero, one of the Saviors of Sandpoint. He's also a pretty good cook and has helped Ameiko in the kitchen when she gets busy.
Cedric, who has served as Sandpoint's town barber, was another who stood and fought. He wore black and disappeared in the shadows only to reappear and attack a goblin unexpectedly. Oh, how clever! How delightful! I wish I were more like Cedric! I asked about his weapon once and he told me it was called a "War Razor." Wonderful! I wonder what else Cedric can do?
During the battle, a grey elf sang songs! Who would do that? I think he said his name is Anar Sereg' Wethlinloki Auta Migula Orgo or something. I keep calling him Otto, but I'm sure that's not right, I'm just a dumb human, born yesterday compared to him. He sang and fought, and his strong elven voice seemed to bulster the others and belittle the mighty goblin army. For an elf, he's an enormous fellow, probably ten stones in weight and taller than me, over two yards. What a well-equipped hero he is, wearing studded leather armor and armed as he is with bow, sword, spear, shield and voice! His versatility is truly astonishing, it seems he knows a little bit about everything, and can do a bit of everything. Though he is a master of no one single trade, I think he knows something about elven magic. When Ameiko was too busy to entertain guests, he took his turn on the stage at the Rusty Dragon.
Brother Tokarius, for being a man of religion and healing, is ferocious in a fight! He prays to the sun goddess Sarenrae. I've seen him helping out at the cathedral, even though Father Zantus prays to Desna. Sandpoint is not so big as Magnimar, and I find it wonderfully refreshing to see six different faiths cooperating at such a level. So one minute, Tokarius was helping in ceremonies, and the next, the goblins attacked and he did not hesitate for a second before charging at them, bashing their heads in with his mace, one after the other, even attacking with his shield. All this while everyone else ran away and I stood frozen in my tracks while Spoticus did my fighting for me. Tokarius talks surprisingly tough, like a soldier. But while his speech may seem rough or even almost rude for a man of the cloth, his actions speak more loudly. After the battle, he healed everyone he could without hesitation. He is a holy man of action, while I, for all my wealth, am no one at all in comparison.
Gelt, a mighty half-orc barbarian, led the fight against the goblins attacking the other end of town. I was not close enough to see him in battle, but he joined us later. How is it possible for anyone to be so big and strong? One of his arms is larger than my torso, though I dare say my torso is getting pudgier all the time. Too much marmalade and scones.
Anyway, the goblins had torches and would have burned the town down again if not for these heroes, and everyone in Sandpoint is very grateful. I certainly am.
I gave the Saviors of Sandpoint the "keys to the city" and a tour, guided mostly by my myself and my manservant Antonio, who is a wonderful attendent, quick to get a chair for me or speak in my stead when my voice becomes tired. I bought the heroes some trinkets in town, then some horses for Wren joined us later on a delightful boar hunt in Tickwood. It turns out she had fallen down a well earlier and missed the tour. I certainly missed Wren. Wren, Wren! I am so glad she was able to join us on the hunt. We felled a boar and brought it back to the Rusty Dragon. Ameiko cooked it up and we had a grand old evening together. It is a pity that I must soon return to my affairs at the estate in Magnimar.
Mayor Deverin called Sandpoint's "New crop of heroes" in for a meeting at the town hall this morning. I wish I were one of them. Sherriff Hemlock left them in charge of keeping the town secure, then left for Magnimar to acquire soldiers. I do feel secure with these heroes around me. How could I not? Though I do worry the goblins may return. I hear five years ago they attacked in much larger numbers.
An elven woman, named Shalelu Andosana, I think, left town today. I think she is some sort of ranger hired by the Sandpoint town council to scout the hinterlands. I wonder what she told them before she went back into her favorite woods? Did some shopping today. The Curious Goblin had some new books in. I wonder if I should pick up an extra copy of what Gelt is reading so we can discuss it together? I'm sure his tough guy routine is just an act and he is actually an articulate man of words. No one could really be as big, strong and simple as he seems to be.
I did not see Ameiko at breakfast this morning. I wonder where she is?
------------- (no further journal entries)------------
Key to the City (Key to Sandpoint Map)
1. Sandpoint Cathedral 2. Sandpoint Boneyard 3. The White Deer 4. The Way North 5. Jeweler 6. Junker's Edge 7. Gorvi's Shack 8. Sage 9. Locksmith 10. Sandpoint Garrison 11. Sandpoint Town Hall 12. Savah's Armory 13. Risa's Place 14. Rovanky Tannery 15. Red Dog Smithy 16. The Pillbug's Pantry (note: Cedric's barber is located near here) 17. Bottled Solutions 18. Cracktooth's Tavern 19. House of Blue Stones 20. Sandpoint Glassworks 21. Sandpoint Saveries 22. The Curious Goblin 23. Sandpoint Theatre 24. Carpenter's Guild 25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill 26. General Store 27. Turandarok Academy 28. Madame Mvashti's House 29. Grocer's Hall 30. Vernah's Fine Clothing 31. Wheen's Wagons 32. Ccarnetti Mill 33. The Hagfish 34. Valdemar Fishmarket 35. Sandpoint Market 36. Sandpoint Meat Market 37. The Rusty Dragon 38. Goblin Squash Stables 39. Two Knight Brewery 40. Sandpoint Mercantile League 41. Sandpoint Boutique 42. Fatman's Feedbag 43. The Pixie's Kitten 44. The Feathered Serpent 45. Hannah's 46. Sandpoint Shipyard 47. Valdemar Manor 48. Scarnetti Manor 49. Kaijitsu Manor 50. Deverin Manor
In yesterday's session, I did a flashback of Aldern's Sandpoint tour, and the group cleared out the goblins in the glassworks to rescue Ameiko Kaijitsu. It turned out that her brother Tsuto was controlling the goblins. There are plans afoot at Thistletop for another attack though...maybe 200 goblins and some other weird stuff. Gotta go More next time
Experience: Over two sessions, the xp total is exactly 3,000. Everyone is 3rd level exactly.
Treasure: Um, I think everybody got about 500 gp total over the two sessions between what was found and what was awarded by Aldern and other merchants in rewards.
Next session: Saturday, October 13, 3:00 pm until ??
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