Sunday, June 20, 2010


Fresh off their success with the halflings, the Uprisers returned to Port Liberty to check on things there. Upon their arrival, a pirated lizardman hammerhead fishing boat was coming in, loaded with ogre dreadnaughts. Rholain reached out his inhuman arms and magical tree doorways appeared, one on shore and one on the vessel. Willikers, Shamash, Aurora and Jorel went through and immediately began fighting the raiders, who were incredibly big and strong, armored in platemail and armed with huge greatswords. Providing fire support, Wikipedia Jones and Hadji remained on the shore, picking off targets of opportunity. A halfling wizardess jumped in the water and swam to her effective range to provide fire support also, raining bursts of magic on the deck of the attackers.

The ogres swung their mighty swords with stunning brutality, rendering those they struck temporarily unable to move their legs. Willikers struck first from a cloud of darkness and unleashed a cloud of steel, but the enemy stood stubbornly and struck him immobile -- but unconcerned about his condition. In the case of Aurora, immobility would not effect her ability to cast spells, blasting enemies with the light of Pelor and on the lookout for allies in need of healing. Shamash was struck immobile, but his glaive was never out of reach of enemies, while his voice called out battle commands with every strike -- and having charged to the middle of the deck, he was right where he wanted to be like a chess piece dividing and conquoring the enemy. Jorel teleported to the back (where the raider captain was ducking arrows from Jones) and engaged him in melee. In the end, the raiders could not stand, and the last of the raiders lay under 200' of seawater.

The idea of sinking the ship had been considered and dismissed as Port Liberty needs every vessel it had for fishing and commerce. Jorel (who doesn't need to breathe) explored the ocean floor and discovered a few merfolk, whom he intimidated with use of one of the ogre dreadnaught heads. As the zombie-rot infested group of merfolk arrived with their tribute of tuna for Liberty City, Jones offered them the cure and improved diplomatic relations with them, to trade partners instead of slaves. Due to Jones' inability to breathe water, gnome submarines were required for the meeting. Jorel, being from the stars, did not understand the need for this but learned more about this whole "breathing" thing from the experience.

Later, the party was preparing a plan to liberate the Firbolgs from the three curses of slavery, dragons and zombie rot. Their meeting place was the Port Liberty cave temple to Pelor, with its stunning view of the sun over the ocean and decor in progress. To those who built it, this temple always felt like it was meant to be made into a holy place. It was after sunset, so the sconces were lit. The party noticed spiders, first smaller ones, then some of them that were man-sized. Webs appeared along with a drow bounty hunter hired by the dragons to slay the party. "The trap is sprung," he said. "Traps are meant to be shut, so shut yours," Shamash answered. Easier said than done, it turned out. But despite the webs and the slowing effect of thousands of little spiders all the way up to the big ones and the magic of the drow, the Uprisers eventually prevailed. But not before Aurora was rendered unconscious. In her near death experience, she saw a great lion who said something about when the answer is given the question will be revealed (or something like that).

Experience: 3000. GP: 12,000

Next session: Saturday, July 3, 3pm.
We might play Jon's magic draft that day also - I will send a text. If we do it will start at 10 or 11 am.

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