Saturday, November 19, 2011

Aftermath of Golden Heroes

The Golden Heroes, champions of justice and legendary dwarven saviors of the world appear on every coin everywhere. Stories of these magnificent dwarves, flawless in every respect, still echo in tavern songs years after their passing. Tales of this magnificent band of seven appear in legends, history books and nursery rhymes.

Past victories of the Golden Heroes have not translated into a permanent "happily ever after." That's where the B Team comes in, the cleanup crew. In town after town they discover and attempt to correct the unintended negative consequences of their predecessors.

On this occasion the group included Gnoll, a half-orc battlemind; Jon Skamos, a tiefling fighter; Min Vizardio, a gnome warden; Gibbon Ghoulish, a dwarven warlord; Gelt, a minotaur wizard, and Bubbles, an elf battlemind. Currently the party are 5th level.

Riding on some previous success, the group continued to follow the historic path of the Golden Heroes by visiting an old dwarven roadhouse, "Fyorkbeard's." Only with stoic discipline were the new adventurers able to stay their hands from the temptation of violence, and gather the information needed to move forward. Apparently the path would continue 30 miles away at Forgemillik.

At the treeline of Mount Dhakalon, a band of vicious orcs attacked the party. Their numbers and greataxes, along with the icy slopes made for a tricky encounter, a bit challenging for the group. Beyond, near the peak of the mountain the entrance to Forgemillik was a typical ancient ornamental stone mine entrance to a dwarven community.

As the story goes, the Golden Heroes cleverly and powerfully defeated an entire army of drow who invaded here some five years ago. They beat them on the surface, rallied local troops and organized defenses and then delved into the underdark to defeat the drow at their source below and liberate the dwarven and human communities of the region.

What was not in the story was that the Golden Heroes did not wash themselves after their dungeon delve. This detail lead to their unintentional delivery of the Curse of the Caveglitter Plague to the dwarven city of Forgemillik. Caveglitter are deep, magical underdark parasites that glow like lightning bugs. Unfortunately, the glowing dwarven soldiers and civilians made excellent targets for their new enemies, the orc and chitine armies that filled the strategic void once the drow were cleared out. The stout and brave dwarven residents would have been able to hold their territory if not for the disadvantage of the caveglitter curse. Their new enemies allied and attacked at night in large numbers.

Mayor Ringbeard hired the B team to locate the Lost Rune of Rilligath Earthbeard, reputed to cure the caveglitter curse but now located deep in chitine territory once controlled by Forgemillik and its sprawling mines.

The Chitines, a spiderlike race, ignored the small B Team group until they were immersed deep into their lair of thousands, then struck with grunts, warriors and scouts led by web crafters. The ensuing battle was even tougher than the one against the orcs, but in the end the B Team were able to locate the Lost Rune of Rilligath Earthbeard and return it to Forgemillik, and collect their reward.

This session DM/Writer - Dave
Treasure: 1,000 gp each, plus one 4th level magic item.
Experience: 2,500 xp

Next session -- probably 2 weeks from now.

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