Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back to "B"-asics

So we played an entire adventure a level down. That's right, I grabbed our 5th level sheets even though we were 6th level. Oops, bound to happen every now and then. Anyway B ran B team and the party did okay. There was a small town with buildings surrounded by water and kind of a misfit vibe to it. We were given a cryptic note:

B Team,
You must go to the Ocaniaa City. They are struggling to get the Unknown Force. They are plaguing Ocaniaa City, yes they will not trust you at first you have to prove it to them who you are.
Good Luck

So after talking to the distrusting locals and gathering some history, we learned that the buildings were just the tops of much taller towers of what had been a larger city that a wealthy wizard sunk for some reason. Many people died long ago. So naturally we wanted to find a passage below to go meet them. As it turned out, one of the towers had a magical elevator that took us to the under-city, where the locals were even less trusting. Although there was about a 70' tall by 300' round pocket of air down here and some light among the lower parts of the same buildings, the original drowned residents had all become animated skeletons. Also, orc raiders had arrived just before we had, probably to try to loot the area. When diplomacy failed we ended up fighting both.

Nightshade (human rogue 6) struck early and often, her +2 hand crossbow lashing out from the shadows and striking down many a foe who never saw her. Tiger Lily (human monk 6) climbed and dove from towers with her almost unnatural poise and speed, kicking and punching like a storm of stony fists and knocking the tough enemy commanders off of their tower-top post. Min Vizardio (gnome warden 6) found himself surrounded by nearly half a dozen of the foe at one time -- just the way the liked it. Bree (wizard 6) the fighting mage went in hand to hand and seemed to be just fine. Rock (dwarf bard 6) was out on the edge of combat, making a big impact. Cyn'dar (dragonborn wizard 6) was well enough protected she could burn bad guys seemingly to her heart's content. Scourge (revenant deva cleric 6) did not realize his own resemblance to the foes around the party and fought them off while patching up the party's combat injuries. Gnoll (half orc battlemind 6) picked away at targets of opportunity.

As it turned out, the orcs and the skeletons were working together because at no point did they fight each other. Some kind of control was in place, or perhaps some dark dealings. A tower full of prisoners became apparent, only a couple blocks away. The party fought harder and triumphed against the enemies next to us, worked our way over and Nightshade picked some locks. Upon freeing the prisoners, victory was soon achieved for the "Unknown force" were outnumbered by masses of furious people who made short work of the remaining skeletons and orcs.

For treasure, each character found a sapphire straw worth 2,000 gp after searching the area.

Adventure date: Feb. 11, 2012. Age of DM: 10 (DM rotates every session)
Current B Team experience points: 9,000
Character build rules of B Team campaign: No racial bonuses may apply to class
Next session: Sat. Feb. 25, 3pm
Current campaigns: Planet of the Dragons (21st), B Team (6th), Module-O-Rama (2nd)

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