Saturday's session began where the Battle of Shady Cliffs left off. The party journeyed to Rotalia, where they purchased a few magic items at Glorn & Maglenth's, in the restored old section of town. Victory had provided evidence of a connection between the Purple Order moon elves and the drow, as well as an entrance to the underdark. But the party decided to march south to Moonmist to fight the elves there, where they had first landed and settled from their moon, Sonaeed.
Just north of Moonmist, the party encountered an outpost with three towers (one of them the North Moonmist lighthouse) and a dock. Three purple-sailed ships approached, probably loaded with warriors, slaves and mongrelmen. No fewer than three dozen elven warriors defended the area: plenty of archers, several mounted "harrier" units, a few Eldrich Moon Knights, a powerful wizard with two of his associates, and a couple priestesses of Jaramon.
Taito took a swig before clearing the path before him with combinations of kicks and jumps. Revan charged into battle and soon became a magnet for enemy knights, but ultimately prevailed over them all (with a bit of help). "I'm not afraid," his battle cry. Dante (renamed many times, but the same fighter/rogue Lance has been playing) snuck invisibly and did a couple of powerful sneak attacks on some elven archers. Gendar the Magic filled the battlefield with his usual assortment of fireballs and magic missiles, evening the numbers out a bit. Also helping in this respect was St. Joseph, who cast a couple of flame strikes over two of the towers. His healing spells helped quite a bit too. Socrates discovered during the fight that his new magic rings weren't all he thought they were. His archery helped pick off some of the enemy mages, though his monk follower was slowed early on and was mostly not a factor. The NPCs Geena, Telpin, Mick the Gangly and Henderson all fought well, each with their roles to play. Telpin sang his encouraging battle song, and used his new wand of lightning bolts (8d6) on a mage, a few knights and archers, and on the approaching ships. Mick the Gangly used his new whirlwind attack and magically enhanced strength to take out several enemies at a time, before being balelful polymorphed into a chicken (it took some doing, but the party was able to restore hime to normal later). Donkey Kong, the orc barbarian, showed up toward the end of the battle, killing 7 elves on the dock in one masterful round of attacks, saving the last one for the lizardman, Henderson.
Treasure in the basement of the lighthouse ultimately will translate to about 4,000 gold pieces per character. One interesting find was an underground training arena with illusionary jaramonians, dragons, earth elementals, giant undead, giant mind flayers and other foes somehow programmed in. Beyond it is an underground passage with all details completely unknown. Experience for the 6 hour session totaled 3,000. (Note that amounts to 500 xp per half-hour of actual gaming, the Star Wars experience formula I've been using for a base for a while now).
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