Weary after night after night of defending the gnome city Ponoblish Bimpitigora, the party took the battle to the Elves of the Purple Order on the moon Phobos. Captain Fergus Dowrimple's spelljammer stealthily chased the dark elves in their pre-dawn retreat, a simple task since the party's ship looks identical to the enemy's. From within one of the giant landing bays, the crew watched the drow, driders, mind flayers and umber hulks repairing and re-loading a good portion of fhe fleet. When the time was ripe, the party began the counterattack.
The characters Lola, Alice, Martin, Nightsong, Aiko, Fergus, Mick the Gangly, Henderson and Telpin all fought well, each finding ample opportunities to work in their areas of specialty. Geena, the great dwarven archeress, sniped targets of opportunity, including a drow priestess/sorceresses/general. Revan found enough room to maneuver for several deadly lance charges using his pegasis, while remaining nearly untouchable with his armor and magical protections. Brother Joseph Prax, Brand of Cuthbert summoned a couple of powerful Angels to assist in the battle, while also carrying on the fight personally. Though one angel was sent back to his plane of origin by an evil priestess, the other continued to succeed for the entire fight, and the priestess was defeated. Taito, with a combination of drunken master skills and magic, grew to giant size and went on a rampage, taking out every enemy in sight with whirlwind attacks and improvised weapons. Black Eyed Bill, with a swagger in his step, chose his opponents with more precision, taking out specific threats in a swashbuckling way. Sincony Thipern (Phil's new half-elf rogue) snuck through the shadows to attack a couple of targets of opportunity.
Among the drow were a number of sorceresses, but they were understandably reluctant to use fireballs around their prized fleet of spelljammers. Fergus was not reluctant, and Telpin was okay with using lightning bolts. The drow also had a few Rust Spitters to set upon the party, but these were dealt with before they had a chance to interfere with the party's metal weapons and armor. And thought Eldrich Moon Knights continue to present a challenge in battle, they were caught off guard, having just expended all of their spells attacking Ponoblish Bimpitogora during the night.
As we have been doing lately, we played D&D for about two hours, then Star Wars for about 4 hours (see other entry). Experience: 2,500. Next session: Sunday, April 23, noon.
Pop quiz: what is the name of the party's spelljammer?
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