After holding out for a couple of years, thinking a 3rd edition would soon arrive, I finally got my new revised Star Wars RPG book yesterday, as a 13th anniversary gift from my wife. Thank you Penny! I encourage anyone in a relationship who is reading this to take our advice: support each other in your hobbies.
I made a level 10 Soldier/5 Starship Ace, and played last night in Rob's Old Republic campaign at Rod's. Rob has built his campaign from thousands of years before Episode 1, using a lot of ideas from a video game set in that era.
Cap'n Rann Daak is a pretty specialized character who happens to fit into the Han Solo mold; since he's a human from Corellia, he could be a distant relative. An experienced Republic soldier who happens to be force-sensitive but has no formal training in it, Daak uses two customized blasters much in the manner of an Old West gunfighter, and pilots the Ebon Hawk, the group's infamous light freighter that is actually painted red and silver, not black as the name suggests. At the start of the adventure, there was something about a delivery mission that would have gone sour, then didn't, then did; and there was a big explosion that the characters would prefer not to be associated with but probably will be. I'm still catching up on the storyline, but there was plenty of action that included Carson's Jedi character, Demetrius's force illusion of a black globe to hide us after we chased an evil warlord from the scene in an airspeeder, only to discover we were outnumbered 50 to 1 hours later, and the bad guy got away. Then, another Jedi mind trick (I can't remember if it was Rod's Jedi, Viesha Marr, or Demetrius) set the bad guys fighting against each other, so all we had to do was wait while they took each other out. Later, Daak flew the party to Kashyyyk, where Lance's wookie Rrolffllbacca would use a legendary weapon to battle an evil overlord who had sold his people into slavery to Zerka Corp. On the way there, Daak was swallowed whole by a collosal snake, something like 165 meters long, and had to cut his way out with his pair of vibro-daggers. Rann later helped deal with bodyguards during Rrolffllbacca's final confrontation with Jandar, the sleazy wookie traitor, and of course Jandar was defeated and the wookies were liberated. At some point, Daak met Candoris, head of a militant branch of Mandalorians, on Duxon, the moon of Ondoran. Also during this adventure, Daak met his new commanding officer, Shawn's recently promoted admiral, Zap Brannagan (yes, just like the guy from Futurama).
Back at Yavin Station (which is owned/managed by Shane's tech specialist, Garth Pancake), Rann Dack owns the Crimson Vulture, an old YT-13 (the 1300 is not made yet) Rann is in the process of customizing; it is painted mostly black and gold, not red, as the name suggests...
Thank you guys, and good adventure Rob. I really enjoyed playing this new character, because even though he has 15 levels, Cap'n Daak is full of new possibilities for later on. I will be running my next game in a couple of Sundays.
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