Rann Daak flew the Crimson Vulture to Dantooine, and the party flew in the Ebon Hawk to answer a distress call from a jedi colony there. After a huge space battle with Sith warships and tie fighters (the old, old Republic versions of these ships), the group was able to touch down, only to learn that everyone dirtside had been slain by the Sith just a few hours before the party arrived.
Rann took out nearly a dozen tie fighters, but had to do emergency hull repairs on the Vulture to fix battle damage. Now, he is in the process of transforming his ship into a "privateer" Republic ship of war, adding shields and a lot more weapons. His intention is to fly as an armed escort for larger, more vulnerable cargo ships. Having a couple of wookie soldiers to fill out his crew turned out to be useful in terms of keeping stations manned, and hauling 100 tons of useful hulk warship salvage into the cargo bay.
I updated my character sheet to reflect the Solo bloodline, which helps Rann to be better at what he does by virtue of genetics: it turns out he is one of Han Solo's ancesters.
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