A couple weeks ago, Rod, Rob, Carson, Phil and I played a couple games of Mordheim. As usual, Rod's Skaven kicked all our butts. My lizardmen are beginning to fare a bit better though, on the whole. If I remember correctly (which I might not), in the second game, Phil's Witch Hunters were eliminated first, followed by Rob's Undead, then Carson's beautifully painted Carnival of Chaos. After blinking in the final showdown with the Skaven, Tzempest Fujiit's Captain Bok made his survival roll with a "Madness" result, followed by the result for "Stupidity." With sadness, I dismissed the poor old reptile from the warband (after taking his equipment and spells, as I learned the rules allow) and promoted Chelahak to Captain (my rating came down to about 200). Later, I converted and painted more lizardmen especially for Mordheim. I included a couple of undead lizardmen for Robby, since one of them is now a zombie in his warband. B. and I painted minis for her warband in progress, which will probably be Mordheim Widows, Sisters of Sigmar or possibly just Middenheimers. She wants 5-6 female heroes and as many big dumb guys to fight for them as her captain can afford to hire and equip. I see no reason she can't learn the game with a bit of help. We painted up a dozen models or so, and I just need to write up the sheet for her. She may only be 6, but she is smart and really determined. Her enthusiasm is so infectious.
Because I have a wedding gig Dec. 29 there will be no game that day. I also have a New Year's Eve gig. But my plan is to game 2 weeks in a row, Jan 5 & 12. Remember our new starting time is 3:00, which I think works best for everybody. Let me know if not. I would like to play some more Mordheim on the 5th, and D&D on the 12th, but I'm flexible. Also, in the next couple of months, I'd like to play some Magic; probably a booster draft or constructed at the meeting room upstairs from Old Town Hobby on a Saturday or two (starting at about 10 am) in March or so. And yes, more Star Wars games will be forthcoming; I just feel like I need to organize a few ideas first.
I have thought about it and decided to go along for the 4th Edition D&D ride when the time comes. That's right, I'm up for buying my fourth each of the PH, DMG and MM later this year. I'm sorry (but not too sorry) to suggest that the way to go is not to fight new editions, just buy each new version right away (or when you can) so you can enjoy them for the longest possible amount of time before the inevitable expansions put everything out of balance again. Then, only buy the expansions that you will really use. I can't imagine being stuck in 2nd Edition right now, even though it was a big improvement over Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st). 3rd was SO MUCH better than 2nd, and I honestly believe 4th Edition will be that much better again. So I'm going to start socking away my extra spending money now. I can't wait to see what direction my favorite game takes next. I think it's going to look a lot like the newest Star Wars rules book, with simpler basics but more room for customization of skills, professions, spells, equipment, etc.
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