update on a couple of Planet of the Dragons sessions)
So Bane and his armies attacked Tiamat and his armies at the Dragonborn City. Action to be had, fates to be decided, fortunes to be won. Of course the Uprisers had a role to play. But not just to be patsies for Bane (well except maybe Hadji).
Anyway, Shamash, Aurora, Jones, Valda, Hadji and Nex (Phil’s lightning sorcerer shapechanger) and some allies went after one of the Dragonborn city provinces with an especially bad reputation for torturing slaves. Challenge rating-wise, we were above our heads in places but we made it through the encounter and gained some ground. It was a tough one but the party made a difference and now controls a province. Oh and we each gained a 21st level magic item.
(above is just a recap of the adventure Dave ran a couple weeks ago; Phil ran yesterday – see below).
In yesterday’s session, it became more personal. One of Bane’s generals went rogue, stole Bane’s (artifact) Mace and declared himself a god. He captured a province also and now has 5 generals of his own. So Bane wants his mace back, and he’s asked Hadji to deliver since we’re right there. We fought dragonborn, reavers or ravagers or something, a dracolich, and even a couple of beholders. It was Shamash and four strikers: Hadji, Sticky Fingers, Nex and Valda. It was brutal. We used every combo, magic item and tactic we could think of, hitting hard but giving ourselves chances to recover in a series of encounters. Shamash was bloodied at least twice, as were Valda and Hadji. Valda charging on her griffin in combo with Shamash is becoming quite effective and Hadji combines with Sticky Fingers and Foxy to defeat even the toughest adversaries. Some other combos and magic items are turning out to be handy, for example flying (hover, from a potion) with reach, from above a foe, and augmenting whetstones (though they can be expensive). In the end, we defeated the leader of another province on a small island (adjacent to the other province from the session previous). We now “control” it too, though the party is not in the business of ruling territory.
Anyway, between the two adventures (mostly from the 2nd one) we got just enough experience to level to 19th.
Also, we picked up one 18th and one 22nd level magic item each, as well as 17,000 gp each.
Please note that our next session will be March 26th.
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