Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who does #2 work for?

So Willikers is not overjoyed that Hadji has the whole party working for Bane, to get his mace back from Bledgore the betrayer. But forward we go anyway. Shamash just wants tiamat defeated. If that means helping Bane for a while, so be it.

Hadji, Shamash, Willikers, Rholain, Joseph and Nex defeated some annoying lava tube glass guys and some kind of volcano dragon. Apparently our next foe is a demigod, Bledgore and his minions.

Intel from Bane's Bhardgests is that Bane's goblins are occupying all the territory we've been conquoring. Their camp is disappointed to not have the city architect plans, but hey, what are you going to do, the architects were dead when we got there. Right?

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